Author: Lucy Lou

Fluffy Little Paws


Hello everyone! So sorry I didn’t post yesterday I was a little bit busy. Anyway I have some very exciting news! That exciting news is that we are adopting a puppy! Yesterday I was busy convincing my family to get the puppy and now today we started looking for a puppy to adopt. Today we ….  Read More

Happy Easter!


Happy Easter everyone! I know it was kind of a bummer this year because you couldn’t spend it with any extended family only the people you have been living with for your whole life. Or maybe you had to spend it alone and that also is kind of a bummer. I would like to know ….  Read More



Hello, today was great, I spent most of it painting pictures ( I will post pictures of them in another post). I also spent the majority of the day talking to my friends. Then in the late morning and early afternoon I prepared homemade pretzels. If you have an app like FaceTime or zoom you ….  Read More

Arts and Crafts


Hi! I appreciate your concerns and sweet comments after yesterday’s post. You are all so kind. I am much better today and had a great day today. I hope you all did too. Throughout the day I was busy, well at some parts, most of the morning I was in bed. In the afternoon though ….  Read More